CAS S-2000 JR Price Computing Scale

CAS S-2000 JR Price Computing Scale 30 Lb

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CAS S-2000 JR Price Computing Scale 30 Lb 

The S2000 Jr Price - 30 Lb Computing Scale has 30 Lb capacity. It is very easy to use and full-featured/ Plus it is portable and perfect for price computing. It is legal for trade and ideal for use in candy stores, specialty shops, farmer's markets, bakeries, and more!

It is available in 3 different capacities and is available with or without a column mount. The CAS S-2000-JR price computing scale has a lb/kg conversion switch and dual markings. Tare weight may be entered using either the platter tare, key board tare or tare programmed with a PLU. We carry all of the S2000 Jr Price Computing Scales!   Ask about the  optional label printer if needed. 

  • Weighs in lbs, oz, or kg
  • Large Easy to Read Display
  • Dual Display
  • Rechargeable Battery Included
  • Legal for Trade
  • AC Power Cord Included
  • Stainless Steel Platter
  • LCD Display with Blue Backlight
  • 2 Direct PLU's

Level 7 Carries all of the S2000 Jr Price Computing Scales!