Important Considerations for Purchasing Industrial Cleaning Supplies

Important Considerations for Purchasing Industrial Cleaning Supplies

Jan 5th 2022

Most people are familiar with small-scale cleaning products. Chemical cleaners, chemical sprays, and anti-bacterial wipes are popular for residential and commercial use. However, many people don’t know what to look for when it comes to heavy-duty commercial cleaning chemicals.

This isn’t because there’s a lack of supplies available, but because some are new territory. While this is true, some tips can help you choose the best industrial cleaning supplies to keep things healthy and problem-free.

Consider the Investment

It’s not cheap to purchase industrial-quality products. Because of this, you may be tempted to choose cheaper, household-grade products. Unfortunately, this isn’t recommended.

Most household-grade chemicals come in smaller quantities. This means you must buy a lot more of them over time. This isn’t the case just for cleaning products; it also applies to equipment.

While commercial-grade cleaners and equipment may cost more upfront, you will save over time.

Choose Efficiency Not Gimmicks

There could be a product you have seen that’s interesting and that you want to try. However, it may not be practical for an industrial setting, and you will likely only use it once a year for a job you have a tool for. In these situations, it’s best to pass.

To ensure maximum efficiency and avoid overspending, try purchasing products you will use regularly. Also, consider products that have several uses in many situations.

Purchase Enough to Rotate

With tools like mop heads, scrub brushes, and rags, you need to make sure you have enough to go around. These items must be cleaned regularly, and there’s nothing like needing to use one and discovering they are dirty.

You can avoid this situation if you buy enough to rotate through. There should never be a day where you don’t have these products to use.

Consider Renting Equipment

Auto scrubs, floor machines, and pressure washers are important tools. However, they aren’t needed all the time. Due to their high cost to open, it may make sense to rent them instead.

If you notice you are renting them more often at some point, you can figure out if it would be worth it to invest in one.

Know the Chemicals You Plan to Buy

There are a few things to look at when choosing industrial cleaning chemicals. These include:

  • Time: How long does the cleaner take to work?
  • Action: How is the cleaner designed to work?
  • Chemical concentration: How strong is the cleaning product?
  • Temperature: Does the chemical require hot water or another temperature variation?

Try to find a cleaning chemical that works how you need it to.

Finding the Best Quality Products for Your Needs

When it comes to quality industrial cleaning products, you have several options. Consider what you need to find one that can do the job. While this may require some time and effort, it will be worth it in the long run. Being informed is the best way to find quality industrial cleaning supplies.