
When and how to use pH Testing papers

Posted by MH on Aug 20th 2021

What is pH and When to use pH strips and how to use them

ph Definition:  pH is a logarithmic scale and inversely indicates the concentration of hydrogen ions to measure the relative amount of free hydrogen and hydroxyl ions.  pH measurements utilize a scale from  0 to 14 to specify acidity or basicity of an aqueous solution. 

On one side of the scale are acids, and the other side of the scale  is considered alkaline or  base. Acidic solutions are measured to have lower pH values,  than basic. Strong acids are typically considered to be at pH of 0 to about 4.0 and become weaker up to what are considered mild acids at around 6.0 pH. Neutral is 6.5 to 7.3. Base solutions, also called alkaline on the pH scale are from about 7.4 to strong alkaline above 9.0 up to 14. (These descriptions of pH are relative depending on several factors.)

Water that has more free hydrogen ions is acidic, whereas water that has more free hydroxyl ions is basic. Since pH can be affected by chemicals in the water, pH is an important indicator of water that is change chemically.  

Knowing a pH is  important  for many reasons. Safety is always a consideration. Knowing the pH of a solution before handling is always safer.  While working around the home  with cleansers or rainwater collected for plants, or working in a restaurant testing sanitizing chemicals, or while in a lab setting doing analytical chemical testing, it always helpful, and safer to know the pH of a liquid, even water.  

How to use pH testing paper: * Always wear protective gear and review the Safety Data sheet of the chemical or solution being tested first.  Testing the pH of a liquid has never been easier using our pH testing strips. After choosing the kit that best suits your situation, you will typically just dip a strip of the pH testing paper in to the solution you want to know the pH of.   After dipping the strip in to the solution, compare the color on the strip to the color chart indicating pH  included with the pH testing strip or kit. The color indicated will tell you what the pH of the solution is. 

pH  testing

Level 7 Chemical offers a wide variety of easy to use pH testing kits to choose from. All of our pH testin strips and kits are manufactured in the USA by Micro Essential Labs. 

 Check out our pH testing strips and kits here.